Digital Printing Is Fine – But It’s Not Always Good Enough

If you’re looking for a quick turnaround on your next print job, printing your products digitally may be the perfect solution – but that doesn’t mean digital is always good enough. This type of printing is great for short-run jobs and small quantities of high-quality work, but if you need other types of printing instead, then it’s time to look elsewhere.

If You Have A Print Job That Requires High Quality, You Need Offset Printing

First of all, if you have a certain printing job that requires the highest quality of results, then you need offset printing. This special type of printing is the standard for commercial printing nowadays because it uses plates to transfer ink onto paper using pressure. This printing process is faster than digital printing and better suited to complex jobs that require many colors or different types of paper stock.

Offset Printing Is Used For Long Runs And Has Better Color Consistency

Offset printing is commonly used for long runs since this printing method has much better color consistency. Printing through digital means is good for short runs and can be less expensive, but it’s not really as good at high-quality or consistent prints.

Digital presses are great for certain small-scale print jobs that need to be printed quickly. But if you want to produce high-quality printing work (especially in terms of color), then offset lithography may be the better option for your job.

Offset Process Uses Plates To Transfer Ink Onto Paper Using Pressure

Offset printing is a type of printing process in which the ink to be used is transferred from a plate to a rubber blanket, which then passes over the paper. The plate is made of metal or plastic and attached to a cylinder that rolls over the blanket (the rubber material). This process can be used for printing on one side or both sides of the paper.

The image you want to be printed will then be created on the plate through photographic processes or digital imaging systems, right before transferring onto your print order through pressure applied by rollers at high speeds.

If Your Next Print Job Requires Instant Results, Then Digital Printing Is The Best

Printing digitally is perfect if you’re looking for a quick and cost-effective way to print your next job, but if it requires high quality or quantity, then digital printing is not going to cut it. Use offset printing in this case, as offset presses have faster turnaround times – which means that your printed product will be ready sooner!

Author: admin